[spacer height=”20px”]Come and join us! [spacer height=”20px”]NFE is having a special event on December 4th at 11:30 am where Guatemalan and Mexican textiles will be sold at Evergreen Covenant Church in the Fellowship Hall. NFE has a special friend, Hazuki Camp, participating in our sale. Hazuki used to attend ECC when she was attending school in Seattle. Hazuki volunteered at Agros during that time. She is from Chiapas, Mexico where Agros has villages. Hazuki now lives in Beaverton, OR with her husband and three young children. She works with Trebol, which is a coop of women who make beautiful, handmade leather and embroidered products. Hazuki will be donating a percentage of her proceeds to NFE. Following the Textile sale, a Trip report will take place.
Give A Gift That Changes Someone’s Life For The Better!
[spacer height=”20px”]Support Nicolás Fund for Education through the Bellevue Presbyterian Church Alternative Gift Market this Christmas! [spacer height=”20px”]Buy a share of a laptop computer for Nicolás Christian School for $60, or purchase shares of musical and sports equipment for $40/share. (Our dream is to amass enough musical instruments to form a marching band for Nicolás Christian School! ¡Marching bands are muy popular in Guatemala!) AGM shares can be purchased with checks or cash at Bellevue Presbyterian in the lobby on December 4, 11, and 18th. If you buy in the BelPres lobby, you will be given a gift card to share with the gift recipient. Alternatively, AGM purchases can be made online with a credit/debit card. Thank you for your support of NFE! The AGM catalog print version can be picked up at Bellevue Presbyterian Church.
Would You Like To Attend Our Nicolás Christian School Graduation Ceremonies Virtually?
We are hoping to offer virtual attendance at our Nicolás Christian School graduation ceremonies on November 15, 2017. [spacer height=”20px”]We are still working out details to make sure this will be feasible, but if we can arrange it, you would click a specific link which would be e-mailed prior to the ceremony. If this is something that you would be interested in, please contact Becci Merritt via the form below.
Frequent Flyer Miles
[spacer height=”20px”]Are you someone who has accumulated a stockpile of frequent flyer miles? [spacer height=”20px”]There are individuals going on NFE trips who would very much appreciate your donation of those miles to help make their trip to Guatemala possible! Contact us on the form below for more information.
Upcoming Trip Dates
[spacer height=”20px”]It is not too late to go with our team in November to celebrate the graduations of our students! [spacer height=”20px”]This is a wonderful chance to be an enthusiastic cheerleader for our students who have worked so hard and overcome so much to graduate! It is considered quite an honor for our families to have a North American present at a student’s graduation. The trip dates are November 10-18th, 2016. Trip application forms are found on our website if you click on “Your Impact at Work” and then click on the trip dates. Our February 2017 is now full, but we are also accepting applications to be on our July 2017 trip. [spacer height=”20px”]Tentative dates for that trip are July 21-31th, 2017. This team will have the opportunity to participate as a host in a Teacher Professional Development Workshop, to interact with our Nicolás Christian School junior and senior high students and to visit the student’s families in their home villages. Typical trip costs are around $1800 which includes airfares, meals, accommodations and transportation. Spanish language skills are not required. Come on the trip of a lifetime to experience God’s love in a new and personal way, and to witness God’s work in the lives of these students!
Check us out!
[spacer height=”20px”]Nicolás Fund for Education recently updated our website. We have added brand new photos of each Nicolás Christian School student as well as a gallery of videos to watch. [spacer height=”20px”]Most of these videos were self-produced at Nicolás Christian School by students and teachers telling their story. These videos are a fantastic way to get to know individual students as well as experience the day-to-day life in the school. Our website features dates for upcoming trips as well as trip application forms and instructions, found under the “Your Impact at Work” section. Please take this opportunity to look around the new and improved Nicolás Fund for Education website!
Thank you!
Thank you so much to our wonderful and faithful donors! We are in good shape to face the challenges of another academic year now and start to envision what 2018 might look like for these children and the Ixil community. We thank God for the way that you stand up for these children in the Ixil so that their hopes and dreams can be realized!
Our New Seventh-Graders Need Your Help!
Friends, thank you so much for investing in the young lives of Guatemala’s Ixil region! Through your generosity, students from this desperately impoverished region are looking forward to a future free from poverty—through a high-quality secondary education! Because you care deeply about the students we serve together, I want to celebrate with you some of the great accomplishments of the Nicolás Christian School. I also want to share with you an urgent request as the new school year gets underway in January 2017. I am so blessed to report that, still in its first year, the Nicolás Christian School has already become known throughout the Ixil region as a center of educational excellence! Our science and computer labs are one-of-a kind, and our library/resource center is the envy of other schools. The leadership is excellent. And, most important, the school is openly and unapologetically rooted in the Christian faith. No wonder our students are so proud of their school! These amazing blessings are due to donors just like you—along with other faithful friends—who have stepped up to support and pray for the school and NFE students. This January, a new class of seventh-graders from Agros Ixil villages will start their first year at the Nicolás Christian School. We have begun work with three additional Agros villages, and those children are anxious to begin attending Nicolás Christian School. Three students from San Nicolás, seven students from Cajixay and other students are praying that they will be able to continue their education beyond the sixth grade. We won’t be able to accommodate these additional students unless we can increase our budget. We haven’t yet raised sufficient funding to cover their scholarship …
Come and Join Us on Our Next NFE Impact Team Trip: November 10-19
Help us celebrate the graduation of our 9th and 11th -grade students this November! Juanita from La Bendición will also be graduating from 11th grade in her distance learning program. This achievement is a miracle! Juanita’s education stopped after 6th grade because her significant physical disabilities made it impossible for her to travel to another village for 7th grade. Juanita is very bright, and she has flourished through the distance learning program. Her stated goals are to help her parents learn to read and write, to write a book about her life and to help the youth in her village. All of these students have achieved an important milestone. Being able to graduate from high school is not common in the Ixil. Many students in other schools drop out to work in the fields or help at home, or because they are unable to afford the cost of uniforms, books, supplies and transportation required for secondary school education in Guatemala. Drop out rates are high, particularly for girls. Many girls get married at age 14-15 and begin raising their own families. Nicolás Fund for Education has been extremely successful in retaining our students year to year. This is evidence of how God, through donations made to NFE, is literally changing the trajectory of these student’s lives. They are completing high school, getting married later, having children later, and are more likely to have children who are immunized, have better nutrition and are read to by their parents. It is considered quite an honor to have North American guests at graduation ceremonies, and isn’t it an important part of our relationship-focused program to celebrate what these hard-working students and their …
Ninth Grade Students Excel!
Four Nicolás Christian School ninth grade students were named as Honor Students for their July grades. Isabela Elda, Isabel Rebeca, María Yat and Pedro Isaías all received top scores! Isabela Elda had the highest score at 87%! The ninth grade as a whole averaged 85%, which is exciting! The grades for Nicolás Christian School 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th -grade students averaged between 75-77%. In Guatemala, a minimum score of 60% is needed to pass a class. NFE has established our own minimum score as 70%. In years past when our students attended a different school, a great deal of tutoring was required to help our students achieve 70%. These recent scores confirm what a great job Professor Braulio is doing as our Nicolás Christian School Principal, and that his educational strategies are succeeding. Our teachers are also to be congratulated for their fine work!