Ronaldo is a determined and ambitious young man from Guatemala’s Ixil region. He is working hard in his final year at Nicolás Christian School with the dream of one day becoming a civil engineer and owning his construction company with his father. But, this journey isn’t without obstacles; financial and health challenges stand in the way of him accomplishing his goals. However, through help from Nicolás Fund for Education, he remains hopeful that he can make it happen!
Family life is an important value in Ronaldo’s world. His father, Domingo, works as a mason while his mother, Rosa, devotes all of her time to the home and weaving. This strong bond between child and parent has created even closer ties for Ronaldo with his four older brothers – Diego Eduardo, Sergio Nicolás, Juan Ariel, and Domingo Alexander who are adults living in San Juan Cotzal, like himself. He enjoys the beautiful scenery around his neighborhood, Canton Tu Poj, where he lives alongside rivers and waterfalls. The rivers provide a fun swimming spot when he finds some free time. More often than not, Ronaldo chooses to help his father with masonry projects because it involves assisting his father. Ronaldo works without pay. He gives his time out of pure love for his father!
Ronaldo was a stellar student throughout primary and junior high school. Even at a young age, he was looking for ways to take his education even further. He found what he was searching for at Nicolás Christian School – an advanced institution full of tools and resources like tablets, microscopes, and TV screens in each classroom! When it came time to hone in on the most challenging subject – math —Ronaldo used homework exercises as stepping stones toward improvement. He also enjoys checking out books from the NFE Los Angeles village library.
Ronaldo is a true champion, passionate about his dreams, and committed to staying in the Ixil region. Despite the financial challenges of his parents’ limited resources, he bravely chose not to accept an opportunity offered by his father – moving to the U.S. – but instead opted to stay in Guatemala and attend Nicolás Christian School and continue striving towards achieving his goals. Recently diagnosed with lymphoma, this mass on his neck placed yet another obstacle on Ronaldo’s path. Let us join in prayer so that he may have positive health outcomes and continue to attend school allowing him to pursue his dreams!
As Ronaldo approaches graduation, it’s easy to see how his ambition, dreams, and determination can alter his life and that of his family. The path to success is rocky and one which requires assistance along the way. Give students like Ronaldo an opportunity to make their dreams a reality. Your donations help pay tuition fees, provide school uniforms, tutoring, school supplies, nutritious food, and transportation, all of which are necessary for Ronaldo and other students like him to attend school beyond the sixth grade. By donating to Nicolás Fund For Education, today, you are supporting these marginalized children with goals and dreams of success within the Ixil region of Guatemala. Show your support for Ronaldo’s mission! Donate now and together we will create a brighter future for this aspiring civil engineer striving for excellence.
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