A Story of Resilience and Hope in La Bendición

Becci MerrittBlog, Student Spotlight Leave a Comment

Sandra and her wonderful family! From left to right, Teresa (Sandra’s mother), Magdalena Sara, Sandra herself, and Pedro Isaias stand proudly in front of their home.

We are excited to share the inspiring story of Sandra, an 11th-grade student at Nicolás Christian School, whose life has been significantly impacted by your generous support. Sandra’s family lives in the village of La Bendición, which translates to “The Blessing,” and indeed, their story is one of hope, resilience, and triumph over adversity.

Meet Sandra and Her Family

Sandra lives with her mother, Teresa, in a small cinderblock house perched high on the steep hill of La Bendición. Tragically, Sandra lost her father to alcoholism when she was only 13. The loss was absolutely devastating for the entire family, and Sandra struggled with her studies for a period after her father’s death.  Sandra drew strength from her mother’s unwavering support. Sandra’s mother told her, “I never got to go to school.  I want to see you be successful!” Determined to succeed and help her mother, Sandra has remained committed to her studies despite the challenges.

Her brother, Pedro Isaias, is a proud graduate of Nicolás Christian School.  Pedro Isaias then attended Universidad San Carlos to obtain his degree in Education through a Ten Talents Program scholarship. Today, Pedro is a carpentry teacher at Nicolás Christian School. Her sister, Magdalena Sara, was one of the first Nicolás Christian School graduates.  Sara obtained a university scholarship from FEP Maya and attended Universidad Mariano Galvez in Quetzaltenango. She is finishing up her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.  Magdalena Sara is currently employed in the Mayor’s office in San Juan Cotzal.  Donors like you have helped both Pedro Isaias and Magdalena Sara to escape poverty successfully!

The Impact of Your Support

Your contributions have made a world of difference for Sandra. She proudly shared that the computers and tablets available at Nicolás Christian School have given her and her peers a distinct academic advantage. Her favorite program is EdQet, a web-based math platform filled with helpful videos, lessons, and exercises in mathematics, algebra, geometry, and test-taking strategies. This program has transformed Sandra’s outlook on mathematics, making it her most impactful class that she has had at Nicolás Christian School.

Sandra’s dedication has paid off. She recently applied for and was accepted into Universidad Rafael Landívar (URL), where she hopes to study nursing. Despite the competitive scholarship process, Sandra was one of only four students chosen for a URL scholarship. Maintaining her scholarship requires a score of 85% or higher, and we do not doubt that Sandra will rise to the challenge.

Looking Ahead

Sandra’s story is a testament to the strength and resilience of her family, particularly her mother, whose sacrifices have paved the way for her children’s success. Teresa, a single mother, gave up the help of her children in the fields and at home so that they could study at Nicolás Christian School’s full-day program and have a chance at a better life. Weaving Mayan huipils in her very limited spare time to earn money, Sandra continues to balance her responsibilities and aspirations with grace and determination.

Join Us in Our Mission

We invite you to join our monthly virtual prayer meeting on the third Saturday of every month at 8:00 am, where we support students like Sandra with heartfelt prayers. Additionally, consider going on a mission trip to meet these incredible students and their families. Witness your gifts’ life-changing impact on young men and women striving to break free from poverty.

If you are already a supporter, we encourage you to become a monthly sustaining donor. Your consistent support provides NFE with the financial stability needed for future planning and program development. Please share Sandra’s story with others who may not yet be familiar with the work of Nicolás Fund for Education.

Together, we can continue to empower students like Sandra, offering them hope and a brighter future.

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